I’ve finally set up the blog. Now, here is what you need to do.
- Register as a member on blogger.com and create a blog of your own. TITLE your blog anything you want (make sure it's unique). For the blog address, please follow this format:
(example: http://s2817289_NguyenVanQuynh.blogspot.com) - In your blog page, under Settings>Members>Team Members, click on the orange button: Add Team Members. Add me as a team member. Make sure you make me an administrator too.
- Once you have done this, click "save settings". I will receive an email inviting me to come and join your blog.
- After I have accepted the invitation, go to Settings>E-mail in your blog page. Put my email address in the Blog send address box.
- Now you can start posting to your blog. Here are some of the things you can add into the blog:
- Latest design works, exercises we have done in class or even work-in-progress. Please do not just post a picture - explain the process of creating the artwork, show your references, source photographs, any problems faced, etc. The idea is to share and learn from each other.
- Interesting designs/artworks/websites/articles you came across. Specify the location of the material and why do you think it’s interesting.
- New design techniques or tutorials you’d like to share with your classmates.
- .. And anything related and relevant to design. - You are also encouraged to post comments. Please make sure the comments are supportive and constructive.
Any questions? Add a comment to this post.
Let’s get it started. :)